How UV Damage Can Affect Your Highlands Ranch CO Roof

Highlands Ranch roofing

Sunshine is essential for life on our planet, but the powerful rays of the sun can also be harmful to buildings, including roofs. Here are some of the ways that strong ultraviolet radiation can weaken and damage your roof:

-        Surface damage – ultraviolet light can damage building materials, including roofing materials, causing their surface layer to crack, to crumble and to become generally weaker.  

-        Bleaching – another potential consequence of the prolonged exposure to strong UV radiation is changed roof color. The sun’s rays can make the roof color lighter, in some cases it can even make the roof turn completely white.

-        Thermal shock – strong sunshine is usually associated not only with UV radiation, but also with high heat. When the heat becomes unbearable in summer, the temperatures that roofs are exposed to are even higher and they might lead to thermal shock on the roof. According to Highlands Ranch roofing professionals, the most common sign of thermal shock is a general weakening caused by the destabilization of the material. If the strong solar radiation comes right after a rain, the sun’s rays might heat up the water that remained on the roof after the rain, causing even more damage in the form of blistering and weakening.