Tips for Keeping Your Slate Roof in Highlands Ranch Well-Maintained

roofing contractors Highlands Ranch CO

Slate roofs are truly spectacular – the uniqueness of the configurations, the attractive, natural, yet very elegant appearance, the durability and the strength of slate guarantee that. While slate roofs are unique, there is one thing that makes them similar to other roofing systems and that is their need for maintenance. Here is how to do it right:

-        Semi-annual maintenance visits – According to slate roofing contractors Highlands Ranch CO homeowners recommend, ideally, you should get your slate roof inspected every six months, once in spring, to check for any issues that appeared during the winter and again in fall, to fix any problem caused by summer weather and to prepare the roof for the upcoming winter.

-        Getting the tasks right – like any roof system, slate also has a specific set of issues and vulnerabilities. The symptoms that you should check for during your maintenance visit on the roof include water stains that might also hide hairline cracks through which water can penetrate into the deeper layers of the roof and cheap components.

-        The importance of timely remedies – whatever issue you detect during the roof inspection must be remedied as soon as possible. Water stains can be easily removed with the help of a power washer, while chipped or cracked tiles can be easily replaced.