Is Roof Repair Easier on Flat Roofs?

Centennial roofing

Roof repair seems to be easier on flat roofs, and you’ll find a lot of people commenting on the fact that commercial roofers might actually have a much easier job, because most of the roofs they need to repair and install are flat ones. 

The main factor that could make roof repairs easier on a flat roof is the fact that the roof has no slope. This means roofers can move around more easily and safely, and they can also spot damages and fix leaks and damaged areas with less difficulty. In contrast, sloped roofing systems present a great challenge especially if the slope is too high. It’s much harder to work on a roof with a higher slope, and there are also many safety concerns involved. 

On the other hand, roof repair might not always be as easy on flat roofs as one might hope. Despite the easier practical operations, many commercial flat roofs may have to be repaired more frequently. Also, on larger buildings, dealing with complex roof repair tasks can be even more problematic, simply because of the size of the roof.   

Although roof repair, in theory, can be easier on a flat roof, it’s not necessarily straightforward all the time. So make sure you call R4 Roofing & Exteriors for an inspection and to let you know what actually happened to the roof and what can be done about it.