What Is a Cement Roofing Tile and Why Is It Important?

If you want to install roofing tiles and get your new roof set up as soon as possible, it’s worth mentioning cement tiles as a possible option. Cement tiles might not be as popular as metal or slate, but they are oftentimes equally as effective when it comes to protecting your home from the elements.

Cement tiles – also known as concrete tiles – are some of the most resilient roofing materials on the market. Made from sturdy concrete, they are arranged in a brick pattern in which each individual tile is supported by two tiles below it. R4 roofing specialists, https://www.r4roof.com, let us know that although this pattern is a little more difficult to install properly, and it requires a lot of precision, the end result will be well worth the effort. You’ll find that concrete tiles combine the sturdiest material and the most resilient pattern arrangement that any roof can present. 

Because of these facts, although the tile lattice only covers the surface of the roof and they’re pretty thin overall, cement roofing has an excellent ability to resist the impact of hail or the strong pull of the wind. If you live in a windy area or one plagued with frequent storms and hurricane, installing a concrete tile roofing system is probably one of the best choices you can make.