Should You Consider Cleaning Your Roof This Spring or Wait for Autumn?

Spring cleaning is normally called that for a good reason: it means that you get to clean just about every part of your home. According to most experts that should include your roof as well. But is it really necessary to clean your roof every spring? Can you miss out on it just this once? In most cases, trusted roofing contractors in Highlands Ranch CO will advise against it. 

roofing contractors in Highlands Ranch CO

The reason why spring roof cleaning and maintenance is so important is because of everything that could have happened during the winter. Depending on where you live, winters might get pretty harsh, so it stands to reason to assume that a snow storm or some severe temperature drops could have easily affected your roof in a bad way. 

What’s really problematic is that, even if a snow storm damaged your roof, there isn’t much of a way to know about it, unless the weather gets warm all of a sudden. Then the melting snow on your roof will start leaking through if, for example, a snow storm blew some of the shingles or part of the flashing away. 

Cleaning the roof in spring will help you uncover any damage and prevent pests from being attracted to the rotting debris. Also, it can alert you if there are smaller issues that should influence you to hire a roofer who can take a closer look and spot any additional damage that you couldn’t notice.