What Are Shingles Made from and Why Should You Get a Shingle Roof?

Shingle roofing is one of the more popular and prevalent type of roofing currently found in most areas around the country. The main material that shingles are made from is asphalt. Asphalt shingle roofing is somewhat famous, as it is the most affordable type of roofing available on the market.  

If you want to avoid spending a lot of money on materials like slate and concrete, and still enjoy good quality, fireproof roofing materials that can last a respectable amount of time, then asphalt or composite asphalt shingles should be your first choice.  

Another options is to get fiberglass-enhanced roofing shingles. Now, fiberglass is somewhat more expensive and durable, and the manufacturing and installation process is somewhat more complex than in the case of regular asphalt shingles. It’s also less eco-friendly than asphalt. However, the great advantage with the addition of fiberglass is that you get a more durable shingle roof that will not require as many expensive repairs.  

roofing contractors Highlands Ranch CO

If you’re not yet sure as to whether or not shingle roofing is to your liking, it’s a good idea to consider the pros and cons as presented as a professional roofer. Talk to some of the most experienced asphalt roofing contractors Highlands Ranch CO has today, and find out if you should get an asphalt shingle roof for your home.