Do I Have to Close My Business for New Roof Installation?

Highlands Ranch roofing company installation specialists

The installation of a new roof is a labor-intensive process that might require you to close your business for a couple of days. Whether or not you can continue your business operations during the roof installation process depends on many factors – here are some:

-        Your business activities – the installation of a new roof involves dust, noises and shaking. If your business is one that serves food, a call center or engages in activities that are sensitive to that kind of disruption, the best solution is probably to close for a few days;

-        Aspects related to temperature – in most commercial buildings, the air conditioning units are installed in the roof area. As the installation of a new roof involves the removal of the AC units located on the old roof, closing down until the thermal comfort of your building is restored is probably the best idea; Talk to the Highlands Ranch roofing company installation team to see what is a recommended practice.

-        Decking installation – not all roof replacement projects involve the removal of the decking as well. If your project does include that process, you should be prepared that the top level of your building will be exposed to the elements for a few days, so it is a good idea to remove all the items from that level and to close until the decking is installed.