Tips About What to Include into a Re-Roofing Checklist

roofing contractors Centennial CO

Re-roofing work is a huge project that feels overwhelming to many homeowners. To make the process a bit easier, here is a how to elaborate a short checklist for the project phases:

-        Documentation and permits – in most states, re-roofing is considered to be work that affects the building’s structure and as such, it can be done only after having obtained a building permit for it. There are two ways to put together the documentation and to apply for a permit: the application is either handed in by the homeowner or by the roofer who will handle the re-roofing;

-        The areas that will need to be involved – many homeowners think that the re-roofing will involve only the roof covering. They are wrong – re-roofing is a work that involves the chimneys, the soffit, the fascia, the ventilation, the structural components that support the roof and the insulation as well. Before you start the process, develop a detailed roadmap with knowledgeable roofing contractors in Centennial CO for each step, each roof area involved;

-        Include incidentals into your checklist, too – the removal of waste and the complete clean-up of the work area should also be included into your checklist, they are very important project phases.