Before You Choose a Roofing Material, Ask These Essential Questions

It’s usually easy to just buy the type of roofing material you think is right for your roof and then get to work installing it. However, there are concerns you might not be aware of, and if you ask trusted Centennial roofing companies or the manufacturer the following questions, you might learn enough to make a more informed choice regarding your purchase: 

Centennial roofing companies

1.     What is the warranty of the material and how long is it meant to last? In many cases, there will be two distinct answers to that question, and the farther apart the times are, the less reliable the material. For instance, a cheaper metal roofing product might be known to last over 75 years in general, but its warranty might only cover 25.

2.     How much does the material cost per square foot? Based on the size of your roof, you can determine the exact price by getting an answer to that question.

3.     How easy or hard is it to have the material installed? While metal, asphalt shingle and some wood shakes might be easier to install, slate and concrete can be harder due to their weight and special requirements.

4.     Finally, make sure to ask whether the material in question is a good match for the climate of the area where your home resides. This is especially important when you want to have your roofing products shipped in from far away.