Benefits of Roof Ventilation

The comfort and safety of a home is largely determined by the quality of the roof. In order for the roof to be durable and efficient in ensuring adequate protection against the elements, it is necessary to be built it in accordance with high engineering standards. One of the most important elements is the ventilation of the space under the roof.

Unfortunately, this aspect is not always addressed properly. There are cases when homeowners choose high quality roofing materials, invest a lot on money in roofing upgrades or repairs, and in order to make some savings and without considering the advice of Centennial roofers, they refuse to install a ventilation system, or choose a simplified and inefficient system. This is because, despite the real importance of proper ventilation of the roof, its necessity is not obvious for those who are not roofing specialists.

The efficient ventilation of the roof is achieved when we ensure a balanced distribution of the surface of the ventilation holes, in a proportion of 50% for air intake and 50% for air evacuation.

Usually, the lack of ventilation of the roof leads to the appearance of condensation and the problems associated with the microbiological attack on its wooden structure. Condensation is the most dangerous enemy of a roof. Its accumulation leads to wood decay, the appearance of moisture and mildew, it affects the thermal properties of the insulation, the painted surfaces and increases the operating costs by lowering the return on investment.

Centennial roofers