How Do Changing Temperatures in Colorado Impact Your Roofing?

A lot of people moving to Colorado claim that they didn’t realize the temperature and climate would be the way it is. While you might read online that Colorado is somewhat dry and that the climate is more changing between extremes all year round, a lot of people just imagine that to mean a slight difference in temperatures and the presence of unique cloud formations. 

While those things are true, the dry climate of the state of Colorado can affect a lot more than just the clouds. If you live there for a while, you’ll notice a few specific issues with your roof that you might have never encountered living anywhere else. 

Highlands Ranch roofing company specialists will tell you that changing temperatures, for instance, can be so drastic that they would cause the contraction and expansion of certain roofing materials, especially metals. Combined with strong winds that push and pull on your shingles, that can cause a lot of damage over time.

Also, since Colorado experiences cold winters and hot summers because of dryness-induced temperature changes, it will be hard to determine whether you need a cool roof or one that has better insulation. Ideally it would be best to combine both in one roof, but that also narrows down your choices regarding the roofing materials you’d want to get.